Shadow of The Colossus V.1.2 (2011/MULTI2)
Year: 2011 | PC | Language: Eng, Rus | Developer: Team ICO | Publisher: NightLection Team | 928 Mb
Genre: Action / 3D / 3rd Person

In the story, the protagonist of the game Wonder with the body of his dead beloved to arrive in the ancient abandoned temple, located in some forbidden land. He must destroy sixteen stone idols, won sixteen great big monsters called Colossus - a claim put forward by the mysterious incorporeal occupant of the temple on behalf of Dorminy, promising instead to resurrect the dead devushku.Dlya victory over another colossus hero must find him, climb on the body of the Colossus, to detect weaknesses Colossus and hit them with a sword. Defeating the enemy, the hero is transferred back to the temple, where the player gets information about the new giant? similar sequence is unchanged throughout the game. Colossi located in different places of vast forbidden land. Get to the place of the future battlefield can be on horseback Agro, the only companion of the hero, and in some battles stallion plays a significant role.

To defeat another colossus hero must find him, climb on the colossus's body, to detect weaknesses of the Colossus and hit them with a sword. Defeating the enemy, the hero is transferred back to the temple, where the player gets information about the new giant? A similar sequence is used without change throughout the game. Colossi located in different places of vast Forbidden Lands. Get to the place of the future battlefield can be on horseback

System requirements:
> Operating system: XP, Vista, 7
> Processor: Core Duo E6600 or Phenom X3 8750
> RAM: 2000 MB
> Free hard drive space: 4507 MB
> Video: GeForce 8600GT or Radeon X1950 Pro, (256 MB), support for Shader 3.0

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